If PS script is not working for you to export and import tasks, then you will have to use ms-dos script
1. Create and copy schtasks_tool.bat to root local drive on server you want to export scheduled tasks from.
2. Change runas to your admin account and password.
3. From command prompt run c:\schtasks_tool.bat export
a. This will create a c:\tasks folder and a c:\tnlist.txt
4. Copy c:\schtasks_tool.bat, c:\tasks, and c:\tnlist.txt to root volume on the server you want to add the tasks to.
5. Login to new server, go to command prompt, and run c:\schtasks_tool.bat import
6. Disable tasks on new server (if needed)
Code – DOS Script:
rem @echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set runasUsername=domain\administrator
set runasPassword=password
if %1. == export. call :export
if %1. == import. call :import
exit /b 0
md tasks 2>nul
schtasks /query /fo csv | findstr /V /c:”TaskName” > tnlist.txt
for /F “delims=,” %%T in (tnlist.txt) do (
set tn=%%T
set fn=!tn:\=#!
echo !tn!
schtasks /query /xml /TN !tn! > tasks\!fn!.xml
rem Windows 2008 tasks which should not be imported.
del tasks\#Microsoft*.xml
exit /b 0
for %%f in (tasks\*.xml) do (
call :importfile “%%f”
exit /b 0
set filename=%1
rem replace out the # symbol and .xml to derived the task name
set taskname=%filename:#=%
set taskname=%taskname:tasks\=%
set taskname=%taskname:.xml=%
schtasks /create /ru %runasUsername% /rp %runasPassword% /tn %taskname% /xml %filename%