Use network upload to import PST files to Office 365
Thursday, June 6, 2019
11:29 AM
These are the steps to upload a PST file to office 365 portal and merge it with an account to appear on that account mailbox.
- Go to and sign in using the credentials for an administrator account in your Office 365 organization.
- In the left pane of the Security & Compliance Center, click Data governance > Import.
- Click on “Import PST files”
- On the Import page, click
New import job.
- Type a name for the PST import job, and then click Next. Use lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores. You can’t use uppercase letters or include spaces in the name.
- On the Do you want to upload or ship data? page, click Upload your data and then click Next.
- Now, to import the PST files to account on O365, you will need to copy them first to Azure cloud using the AzCopy service. It is already installed on the Tech box for that reason.
- Press start, type azure, click on “Microsoft Azure Storage AzCopy”
- A blue windows will appear ready to type in it the azcopy command.
- The syntax is
- A blue windows will appear ready to type in it the azcopy command.
AzCopy.exe /Source:<Location of PST files> /Dest:<SAS URL> /Y
- You will need the location of the folder which you saved the PST to
- You will need the destination code where the PST files will be uploaded to Azure cloud.
- Location the path of the downloaded PST which would be in the D Drive and copy it
- Put it in the syntax as follow
AzCopy.exe /Source:” D:\Marianne Melich export PST\Marianne export_Export\06.12.2019-1417PM\Exchange” /Dest:<SAS URL> /Y
- Locate the destination code.
- Back to the import job page, click on “Show network upload SAS URL”
- Locate the destination code.
- Copy the URL and put it in the syntax as follow
AzCopy.exe /Source:” D:\Marianne Melich export PST\Marianne export_Export\06.12.2019-1417PM\Exchange” /Dest:”” /Y
- Copy the whole syntax and enter it in the blue windows azcopy service to start the upload process of the PST.
- Click this link to download a CSV file which is used to merge the PST file you uploaded to Azure cloud to the temp mailbox account.
- Open the CSV file on your computer and edit two fields “Name” and “mailbox”
- Name: is the PST file name you downloaded to the tech box D drive.
- Mailbox: is the address of the temp account created in O365. This account must be created first in AD according to the new user procedure:
- Create in AD
- Create a mailbox in on-prem exchange server
- Sync the AD account with O365 to create and assign an E3 license to it.
- Migrate the on-prem exchange to Office 365.
- Wait until the mailbox is ready to use.
- Here is the look of the CSV file.
- Copy this CSV file to the tech box. Better to keep it in the same location of the PST file on the D Drive to avoid confusion.
- Now you are ready to complete the import data. Click on
- “I’m done uploading my files”
- “I have access to the mapping file”
- Click on next
- Click on “Select mapping file”, locate the CSV on the tech box, click on Validate to make sure there is no errors
- Click Save to submit the job, and then click Close after the job is successfully created.
- A status flyout page is displayed, with a status of Analysis in progress and the new import job is displayed in the list on the Import page.
- Click Refresh to update the status information that’s displayed in the Status column. When the analysis is complete and the data is ready to be imported, the status is changed to Analysis completed.
- On the Import page in the Security & Compliance Center, click Ready to import to Office 365 for the import job that you created in Step 5.
- On the flyout page, click Import to Office 365.
- Click on “no, I want to import everything”, next.
- Refresh the page to monitor the progress of the import status until it is 100%
- This means the import job has finished and you can login to the temp account mailbox and find the imported PST file on the left side.
- Then you can delegate access to the account as requested.